The UK’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has today published the long-awaited UK REACH (UK chemicals agency) report on their recommended restrictions for lead ammunition types in the UK.

Essentially UK REACH’s proposed restrictions would result in widespread bans on lead ammunition shot and bullets used in outdoor settings in Scotland, England and Wales. Under the Northern Ireland Protocol, the EU REACH Regulation continues to apply to Northern Ireland and EU REACH is working towards its own restriction recommendations. This is not just a mainland GB issue.

SACS and our colleagues in other shooting organisations will now spend some time going through the document and proposed restrictions. Whilst we understand there will be many questions from members, please be patient while we analyse the detail. The report and recommendations are fairly lengthy (226 pages) and can be found HERE. Do please download and read.

HSE have also today launched a six-month consultation exercise. Details available HERE.

We and other organisations will robustly challenge any proposed restrictions where no viable non-lead alternatives exist, or lead can still be used as there is little or no evidence of negative human or environmental impact, or where simple precautions can mitigate any lead concerns.

Our immediate concern from the document is the proposed short transition period for some of the restrictions. Where few or no viable alternatives exist a 5-year transition is proposed. Where viable alternatives currently exist then this comes down to just an 18-month transition period. This is neither reasonable, fair nor proportionate, particularly when so many ammunition natures are facing their own component supply challenges. 

Please try to read the detail of the HSE document before asking questions or joining in detailed social media discussion. We all need to be well-informed on the actuality of what is being proposed, which will in turn prepare us all to respond to the public consultation.

As we know more, we will be in touch.


Rooks and the GL02


Northern Ireland’s shooting organisations join forces to help improve firearms licensing