A New Website!

Welcome to the new SACS website! This site reflects many changes we’re making at SACS at the moment, and we hope that in the coming months it will grow to better reflect your needs as members.  

We’ve moved many of our best blog articles over to the News section of this site, but we’re also working to produce new material on important issues like General Licences, Firearms Law and policy issues which impact on your day-to-day activities in the field. The Join/Renew membership process has also been simplified - we think it’s an improvement, but if you’d like help with it, please send an email to the usual address info@sacs.org.uk - we’re always happy to help! 

What you see here is only the start of the journey. In the coming weeks, we’ll be asking all of our members how they’d like to see SACS go forward. We have always been run for members by members, so please stay tuned via newsletters and social media to have your say when the member survey comes through. 


Useful Links


Northern Ireland Update