Firearms Safety Consultation

The Firearms Safety consultation paper was published by the Home Office on 24 November 2020.  It invited comments on a range of firearms safety issues which were raised with the Government during the passage through Parliament of the Offensive Weapons Act 2019.  SACS responded to this consultation.

The consultation paper sought views in respect of issues surrounding High Muzzle Energy rifles, air weapons in England and Wales, miniature rifle ranges and the possession of component parts of ammunition.

In summary, the consultation highlights the Governments intentions in respect of addressing each of their concerns.  The legislative process of further consultation, the publication of a Bill and the drafting of the final legislation has still to be begin.  Notwithstanding that current events both in the UK and globally will not doubt monopolise Parliamentary time, we will keep an eye on progress.  We have an established relationship with the Home Office policy officials as well as close relationships with the other shooting organisations and we will work together to ensure that the shooting communities views are clearly heard and understood.

In the meantime, the below link takes you directly to the report.  It is often best to read the actuality rather than chase hares. Should you have any queries re the report, please don’t hesitate to contact the office.  It is your office, your organisation and your views so don’t hesitate to contact us.

Firearms safety - GOV.UK (


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