Northern Ireland Firearms Licensing Suspended

SACS and partner organisations were informed during a recent meeting with PSNI Firearms and Explosives Branch (FEB) that the PSNI’s online firearms application system will be offline for two weeks to allow for essential work.

The shutdown is to facilitate the installation of a new internal Firearms Management System, which is due to go live on 7 March, but for this to happen seamlessly, it will be necessary for FEB to perform a full shutdown of their current system.

This shutdown takes place from 21 February until 6 March inclusive, and during this time it will not be possible to submit initial Firearm Certificate (FAC) applications, or for FAC holders to make regrant applications or variation applications. Additionally, there will be no facility to cancel an FAC.

We have sought an undertaking from the PSNI that the 6 March date will not, for whatever reason, need to be extended, and have been assured that thorough testing of the new system will take place during the second week of the shutdown and FEB do not foresee this date being extended.

We also expressed our view that this downtime should be a one-off, and that we do not wish to see further downtime in the future.

During our discussions with FEB, we have encouraged them to make FAC holders aware with as much notice as possible, that the shutdown is taking place, to allow those whose FACs are due to expire over the shutdown period, the opportunity to make their application in time. We would encourage members who may find themselves in this position to ensure that their regrant application has been submitted before 21 February.

FEB have advised that dealers should continue to trade as normal during this time. Further to suggestions made to FEB during our engagement with them on the matter, dealers will be able to carry out one on / one off transactions, with certain conditions that dealers have been made aware of in advance.

If members find themselves disadvantaged during the period of the shutdown, please contact us, in order that we might provide some assistance.


Northern Ireland Update


Updates on the Licensing Application Process