Lead Consultation

Without doubt, the UK Reach consultation on the restrictions of lead ammunition poses one of the greatest changes to shooting, of all disciplines in the UK for generations.  In effect, it is proposed to ban the sale and use of lead ammunition.

This initial consultation is exceedingly wide ranging and composes of a number of general, wide questions for scale of use to buy back.  Several of the questions can only likely be answered by commercial organisations or those with significant knowledge of specific types of firearms.  Further significant engagement from all contributors will no doubt follow. 

You will be likely aware of the furore caused when the shooting organisations proposed a voluntary transition period to nontoxic ammunition.  In short, it was gauged to be an effective way to manage the transition – without the voluntary transition, it would have been politically likely that the UK Government would have ploughed ahead in banning lead ammunition.  Indeed, the proposal is widely referred to in the consultation.  Environmental and health concerns shared with the European nations would have provided the drive to have it dealt with. Contrary to popular belief, we do not sit in a sea of isolation in these matters.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we, as a shooting organisation need to have our voice heard. We believe that if such a transition to move away from lead ammunition is to be effective, it must be evidence-based in respect of efficacy for purpose, both in the wider context of environment and health but also in respect of the ability to humanely kill quarry.  A viable alternative must be commercially available and affordable, and there must be a transition time of such a significant length to make the change effective and efficient. 

This is the first part of a journey.  We will ensure that you are kept up to date with progress.


NIFRG Press Release


UK Parliament Call for Evidence – firearms licensing Scotland.