Value of Shooting survey

We need your help to build a picture of shooting in the UK.

If you have already completed the Value of Shooting survey, please disregard this reminder blog post. Please do not complete the survey again.
We would like to invite you to take part in the Value of Shooting survey, which sets out to establish the economic, environmental and social value of shooting in the UK. Led by research professionals Cognisense, the survey is being supported by 24 shooting, conservation and countryside management organisations including the Scottish Association for Country Sports.

The Value of Shooting survey will provide comprehensive, independent and robust facts and figures to highlight the vital contribution of the UK’s shooting sector. Updating and expanding on previous studies, the survey will help build a picture of shooting activity in the UK.

If you are involved in shooting, in any way, we want to hear from you. Whether you are a business owner or a shooter (in any sphere), we need your help. You may be a volunteer, a committee member, a beater, scorer, picker up, organiser or involved in shooting in another form; please do take the time to have your say.

Please click here to start the survey

As member of one of the Value of Shooting partner organisations, we are inviting you to complete the survey by email. This email invitation is just for you. Please do not share or forward it to others.

We’re aware that you may be a member of other organisations and so may have received a link to fill in the survey from them, too. Alternatively, you may have been given a link for the survey if you attended the Game Fair. If you’ve already filled in the survey prior to receiving this email, you don’t need to do it again. You’ve done your bit.

We recommend that you complete the survey on a desktop computer or tablet to offer the best user experience, however the survey can also be filled in on a mobile phone. The survey is likely to take somewhere in the region of 20 – 30 minutes to complete. The survey closes on 16 September 2022.

If you have any questions or problems completing the survey, please check the guidance and FAQs at in the first instance. If the answer to your question is not there, please

This is your chance to add your voice to the Value of Shooting. Please make it count.

Thank you for your time,

Scottish Association for Country Sports.
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