Humane Dispatch

At a recent meeting of the Scottish Firearms and Explosives Licensing Practitioners meeting, the matter of conditions in respect of humane dispatch was raised.  Whilst the general Police Scotland condition on Firearms Certificates of any lawful quarry was accepted as complying with the vast majority of circumstances it was questioned whether the condition was applicable on a road or roadside.  The wording of the any lawful quarry condition includes the words ‘ on ranges and land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot’.  It is not clear that the humane dispatch of animals at the roadside would fall into that category, even at the request of the police, which is often the case.

It is to be reiterated that this only applies to Section 1 firearms, not shotguns. 

In most cases, the request to destroy injured animals at the roadside involves deer and Section 25 of the Deer (Scotland) Act 1966 allows for the destruction of injured deer by any means.  In such cases, and in line with the best practice guidelines, reference should be made to the Humane Slaughter Associations guidance.  This recommends the use of shotguns for humane dispatch and gives advice on methods, etc.

Notwithstanding the foregoing advice in respect of shotguns, if you believe that you require a Section 1 firearm to be conditioned for humane dispatch, on a roadway, you should apply for a variation via Form 201V to Police Scotland who will progress the matter.  Otherwise, at renewal please ask the firearms enquiry officer to consider the condition.  In line with the legislation and guidance, you will require to show evidence of good reason for such a condition.

Fraser Lamb

Fraser Lamb is on the SACS Management Committee. After retiring from the police in 2017, with his last four years being head of firearms licensing in Scotland, he now helps SACS members on licensing matters.


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